Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | add |
service | Package ID |
link | Link to page |
quantity | Needed quantity |
runs | optional, Runs to deliver |
interval | optional, Interval in minutes |
Example response
{ "order":"23501" }
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | status |
order | Order ID |
Example response
{ "charge": "0.03300", "start_count": "1691", "status": "Completed", "remains": "0", "currency": "USD" }
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | status |
orders | Order IDs separated by comma |
Example response
{ "486450": { "charge": 0.08011655652, "start_count": "44", "status": "Completed", "remains": "0", "currency": "USD" }, "486451": { "error": "Incorrect order ID" }, "486561": { "charge": 0.04434830916, "start_count": "181", "status": "Cancelled", "remains": "100", "currency": "USD" } }
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | refill |
order | Order ID |
Example response - Success
{ "success": "Your order will be refill asap. Thank you for patience", "refill": 12345 }
Example response - Failure
{ "error": "Order not eligible for refill." }
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | refill |
orders | Order IDs separated by comma |
Example response
[ { "order": 1, "refill": 1 }, { "order": 2, "refill": 2 }, { "order": 3, "refill": { "error": "Invalid Request" } } ]
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | refill_status |
refill | Refill ID |
Example response
{ "status": "Completed" }
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | refill_status |
refills | Refill IDs seperated by Comma |
Example response
[ { "refill": 1, "status": "Completed" }, { "refill": 2, "status": "Cancelled" }, { "refill": 3, "status": { "error": "Refill Request Not found" } } ]
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | cancel |
order | Order ID |
Example response - Success
{ "success": "We will attempt to cancel this order. Cancellation is not guaranteed. Please check again in 5 minutes.", }
Example response - Failure
{ "error": "Order not eligible for cancellation." }
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | services |
Example response
[ { "service": 101, "name": "Real & Active Followers", "rate": "250.00", "min": "100", "max": "100000", "category": "Instagram Followers", "type": "default", "description": Service Description, "dripfeed": true, "refill": true, "cancel": true, }, { "service": 30067, "name": "Instagram - Worldwide", "rate": "103.00", "min": "100", "max": "10000", "category": "Instagram Followers", "type": "default", "description": Service Description, "dripfeed": true, "refill": true, "cancel": true, } ]
Parameters | Description |
key | Your API Key |
action | balance |
Example response
{ "balance": "100.84292", "currency": "USD" }
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